Another fish

Another fish is on its way

Royal tern with fish lunch for its chicks



    1. Thank you, Donna! It is friends like you that keep me learning all the time! The “royal tern” is distinguished by a completely orange bill and a crest. The common tern has a dark-tipped bill and no crest. The crest is not visible in flight photos. You can see it very nicely in another post “Royal Tern“. I will also have a post showing a royal tern with a young chick – watch for it.

      1. I will. I have the Common Tern on my blog today and was not even sure of it except it is one protected here. Thanks for clarifying.

        1. You have some magnificent photography on your blog! Thank you for your comment – I might never have found your site otherwise!

          1. I am glad to have found your site. I am learning more and more even though I belong to our Audubon and Ornithological Society. The birders are very helpful as are blogs like yours.

          2. Thank you, Donna! I am not an active birder, but always appreciate the dedication and knowledge of the enthusiasts.

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